I was shopping at a new thrift store in full guy mode (not even my usual subtle flats) when I ended up having one of the most honest conversations about my crossdressing with another customer.
While looking at a ultra-discounted clearance rack, I heard a woman nearby comment about the good deals in the store. I responded and pointed out how they even had this unbelieveably discounted rack. Curious about the deals, she politely asked to peek at the blouses I was holding, one of which peeked her interest. Noticing it was actually her size, I politely offered it to her and said something that the blouse would probably look better on her than me. Appreciatively, she accepted the offer, then curiously asked me about my comment, was I really looking at the blouses for myself. That's when an amazing conversation of her questions and my answers began....
"Are you a crossdresser?" "Yes, I am."
"I've never met a crossdresser before."
"Do you like women's clothes?" "I do, I love women's fashions and blending them into outfits. Guys clothes tend to be a bit boring, never really changing much in style."
"Do you have a boyfriend (pause) or a girlfriend?" "I'm actually married, I have a wife."
"Is your wife okay with you dressing as a woman?" "Well, she would prefer I didn't, but she's okay with some subtle things as long as they're appropriate, classy, and subtle. She doesn't really want to be part of it, and definitely doesn't want to go out with me wearing a dress or a skirt."
"So you're married, did she know before you got married?" "Sort of, but not all the details. I didn't fully understand it myself."
"You understand it now?" "I do, I understand crossdressing a lot more now. It really took a long time to figure things out."
"She must be afraid for you." "Yeah, she's worried that someone might not be accepting and do something bad."
"She'll lose you one day." "We had that conversation too."
"How did it go?" "It went okay."
"Crossdressing is more accepted now. Wasn't before."
At that point, the interview changed more into a conversation as this woman shared details of her life, the passing of her mother-in-law whom she adored, her selfless looking after her sick in-laws, a successful son and daughter, and ending with her being thankful for this pleasant conversation.
It felt good to be honest, to be me.