Sunday, November 22, 2015

Dressing down

Stealth mode is a tactic many of us part-time dressers use to balance social norms with our desires to push the fashion gender lines.

There's a term, underdressing, which refers to dressing in bras/panties/pantyhose/camis under our normal guy clothes.  I was surprised that some guys are able to underdress every day to work, wearing guy suits over soft, feminine items.  It takes a lot of attention to detail to ensure that there are no visible panty lines, bra/cami strap bulges, or peeking pantyhose that would give away our true identities.

Subtle dressing is a term I use for blending in women's fashions into a "guy look".  Socks are an easy, yet invisible start.  Black flats or black wedges with black nylon socks are almost invisible since most people pay very little attention to the shoes a guy is wearing.  V-neck tees and higher scoop tops could look like something out of a guy's closet.  A sweater dress can be converted to look like a long sweater.   Skinny jeans are finally "in" for both genders.  Bangles and bracelets can be worn with long sleeves for quick concealment.  Crossbody purses could look like satchels.  The key is acting confident, looking friendly, and walking with determination to avoid too much notice.

Dressing down is a new term I've come up with to mean shedding feminine attire just before arriving at work, home, or somewhere others just don't understand you yet.  Changing into pair of heels in the car can easily add some fun to a boring commute.  Leaving home dressed as a guy on the outside makes it easy to shed a few layers into a cute, womanly outfit while running errands in a neighboring town.  There is a sad, sometimes frustrating feeling, when it is time to get back into guy uniform.  Yet, that's one way of maintaining a balance.

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