Monday, July 17, 2017

Who Cares

Imagine you're shopping one day, when you notice a man walking towards you. He's dressed slightly trendy, wearing skinny jeans, a fitted casual shirt, well groomed. Then you notice something different, he's wearing a subtle bracelet, silhoutte lines under his shirt, holding a messenger bag, and walking in black shoes. 

As you get closer, you notice he's actually wearing embellished skinny jeans, a fitted blouse, nail polish. Even closer, you now see he's wearing coordinated jewelry, obvious bra and cami strap lines, carrying a cross-body purse, and confidently strutting in black stilettos.

How do you feel? Wait, why does that matter. You don't know him, or maybe you do. You have a right to your own quiet opinion about his fashion, social demeanor, how attractive you find him, and other speculations about him.

How does he make you feel? Curious, scared, intrigued, attracted, nervous, insecure, envious, offended, caring, hateful.

Why do you feel those ways? He's just a visual representation on the gender spectrum. You feel something. Because you and him share time and space for a brief moment. You must feel something, because you're alive and noticed him.

Who cares! And you continue on your way. Because you are confident. Because it doesn't matter. Because you are you. Because he gets to be him, or her, or them.

It's what we all strive for. To feel normal. To feel accepted. To feel safe. To feel cared for. To feel loved. To feel respected.

Because we care.

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